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NEWS 訊息公告


我們非常高興地宣佈,亞洲蒙特梭利會議圓滿完成!😊 我們深感感激社群的支援和參與。
首先我們要表達我的感激之情,感謝由楊淑雅教授領導的不可思議的朝陽幼保系大學及研究生團隊,及籌備成員:張孝筠教授、劉冷琴老師、李佳蓁老師、黃凱祥老師、鍾淑慧老師、朱啓賢老師和執行團隊:陳秋樺老師、張文馨老師、Iris Lee。在一起,我們實現了幾個目標:
2023 亞洲蒙特梭利會議

2023 Montessori Asia Closing Ceremony
I am thrilled to announce that we have successfully concluded our event! 😊 We deeply appreciate the support and participation from the community.
I want to express my gratitude to the incredible team led by Professor Young, including the preparatory members and the Executive team. Together, we achieved several goals:
1. We ensured everyone had a great time.
2. Montessorians reunited once again, experiencing the energy, instructors stimulating curiosity, refilling ideas, and igniting passion. We also celebrated the diverse cultures of Asia, getting to know each other better. We not only practiced our mission but also confirmed our future plans.
We are committed to continuing our research and development to serve the community better.
Looking ahead, the 2024 and 2025 Montessori Asia Conference will be hosted in Singapore and Vietnam, respectively. 
Montessori Asia look forward to meeting again, passing on the legacy , for the children, families, and teachers.
2023 Montessori Asia Conference
Johnson Chang


2023 蒙特梭利亞洲年會完整議程表上線,2場主場24場平行分場,涵蓋0~18歲,10大分類議題,匯聚亞洲多元文化,期待與大家相見.

The complete schedule for the 2023 Montessori Asia Conference is now online, featuring 2 main sessions and 24 parallel sessions, covering ages 0 to 18, with 10 major topic categories. It brings together diverse cultures from Asia, and we look forward to meeting everyone.


2023 Montessori Asia Conference, with great joy, announces that registration is now open. Montessori practitioners from seven Asian member countries will come together to share and connect. After the pandemic, let us gather once again for the children, families, and Montessorians.


2023/7/9    After the pre-meeting, we are pleased to announce that MAC will have 2 keynote speeches and 18 parallel sessions during the conference. The conference dates will be from October 6th to 8th, 2023. The theme for the conference is "Montessori Education for a Changing World." The schedule will include one day of school tours and two days of conference sessions. 


2023/3/10  Montessori Asia conference has been scheduled for October 7th and 8th, 2023 in Taichung, Taiwan. Please kindly to save the date. We look forward to your attendance and share the beautiful culture of your country.

蒙特梭利亞洲年會已定於 2023 年 10 月 7 日至 8 日在台灣台中舉行,我們邀請您保留日期。 我們期待您的出席並分享您所在國家的美麗文化。

2022/9/23  亞洲蒙特梭利會員於2022/9/2開會討論,並於會中決議





The Montessori Asian members meet on 2022/9/2 and make a decision in the meeting.

1.     MA have value to exist to serve Asia countries.
2.    2022 Montessori Asia conference will postpone till the border open.
3.    MA will build committee to plan the Montessori Asia conference.
4.    MA will build advisory committee to serve Asia countries and develop community. 

2021/9/09  由於新冠疫情持續在全球蔓延,雖然許多會議已經改成線上舉辦但亞洲蒙特梭利會議以蒙特梭利人的交流連結和傳承為宗旨,所以我們還是決議將亞洲蒙特梭利會議延期到2022年10月份辦理,期待2022的相見。

As the Covid-19 still spread around the world, although many conferences have been changed to be held online. But the Mission of Montessori Asia Conference is montessorian exchanges and inheritance. Therefore, we have decided to postpone Montessori Asian Conference to October 2022 and look forward to meet each other at 2022.

2020/7/12 ​2020蒙特梭利亞洲年會已完成報名手續的註冊費退費申請表單已於2020/7/12 以電子郵件寄出,如未收到請先檢查您的垃圾郵件信箱,或直接mail大會,申請表單連結。 2020 Montessori Asia refund application form has been sent via email. Please help us to fill the information . If you do not receive mail. Please check your junk mail box first or directly mail us  for the link. 

2020/6/17 ​2020年7月將開始辦理2020年會已完成報名手續的註冊費退費,相關細節內容將個別以電子郵件通知。

2020/6/17 由於新冠肺炎疫情爆發在與委員會討論後決議,2020年停辦並於隔年2021年10月重新舉辦,並於1月重新開放註冊,由國際蒙特梭利教育中心(IMEI)承辦。

© 2023 by Montessori Asia Conference Taiwan.

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